Welcome to the site of “Interculturality Enriches”, a Youth Exchange that will take place between the 21st and the 29th of August 2015 in Ezcaray (Spain). Coordinated by Asociación Juvenil ON&OFF (Spain) with the support of Jugendkulturarbeit e.V. (Germany) and Creative Youth (United Kingdom) this initiative will involve 37 young people from the mentioned countries in order to work together using theatre as main tool for intercultural understanding and reflection. The main aim of this project funded under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme will be to provide to young participants a framework to explore different questions related to the main issue of the exchange (interculturality enriches) and to show them the importance of their role as citizens and on the mutual understanding of the European cultures.
Visit the different sections of this site in order to get to know more about this initiative, partners or funding programme. The site will be also used during the exchange to tell the visitors about its development, materials created, final results, photos, videos, etc. You can also follow the day by day of the project in our Facebook page.